Lambeg Rant

Lambeg Rant


Some do ecstacy or cocaine

That’s what they do to lose their brain

Some do marijuana, some do dope

That's what they do just to cope


But no not us where we come from

We just do the Lambeg drum.

The Lambeg drum, the Lambeg drum

We just do the Lambeg drum.


Some do LSD for their fix

Hallucinations just for kicks

Some to tabs to get up high

Some do jabs to reach the sky.


Some do vodka, wine or whiskey

To get them feeling fine or frisky

Some run for miles to escape

And jump up and down to get in shape.


Some get high on levitation

Do transcendental meditation

Some zoom off in rocket ships

And round the orbit do their trips.


Some folk roar and some folk rant

To tell all the people what they want

Some folk rant and some folk roar

To tell all the people they want more.



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